The French Toast Saga
Part Two - Red Flags Galore
“Yay! French Toast!” Casey squealed as she poured maple syrup on my creation.It had been two days since she arrived in my apartment and it already felt like two months. Casey had gotten herself a two week ticket to NYC. The first morning of her stay, being the dutiful host that I was, I cooked her breakfast. Fluffy French toast with scrambled eggs and sausage. The first day was spent getting her established in my neighborhood. I lived only 4 blocks away from the subway and two bus routes passed by my home. I taught her how to get a metro card. I taught her what gypsy cabs looked like and the average fares. I taught her how to use my TV to switch between watching cable and a DVD.
I taught her all these things which she then proceeded to forget the following day. She didn’t forget that I cooked. That she remembered! When she woke up the following morasking she asked where her breakfast was. I groggily got up after only sleeping five hours from my night shift. I then began to make her breakfast as she stared at me from my guest futon.
“Are we going to the Halloween store?” She asked as she tore into her French toast.
I had forgotten that Halloween was only a few days away. Casey had friends from New Jersey who had invited her to a house party in Brooklyn. I soon learned that Casey was exceedingly specific about how she looked, and her costume had to be perfect. She was supposed to be dressed like an obscure 1980’s pop singer who’s name I forget but who’s work Casey was determined had been stolen by Madonna. Since Casey had forgotten how to walk to the subway (4 blocks in a straight line) from my home. I was forced to accompany her to the biggest costume shop in the city.
The city was a buzz with Halloween madness. Normally I would be more exited. I was barely conscious, the previous night I had slept only four hours. I left Casey as she was running around the costume shop like a five year old. I only had an hour before my shift began. I was actually looking forward to being screamed at by dumb customers. It would have been a step up from having to be at Caseys beck and call.
Later that night, I arrived to find my futon filled with anime action figures, DVDs, Gothic jewelry and comic books.
“What’s all this?” I asked.
“Oh my God! There was a comic store right next to the costume shop! You cant find these things in Puerto Rico” She squealed.
“Uh, Casey can you afford this stuff?” I asked with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Casey tried to change the subject by telling me about the Vampirella comics and how her new jewelry would make her costume complete.
“Wait, Casey seriously how did you afford this?” I said trying to calculate the sum of all this junk.
“I have money, besides you can help me out right?” She said sweetly.
“Oh well, when you put it like that then…WAIT WHAT?!” I said in shock.
Casey quickly got out of bed. She was wearing a tank top and purple underwear. She pressed her boobs to my chest, and my hand lightly grazed her thigh only to discover she was wearing a thong. My free will was fading fast.

“David, cant we talk about this later? Lets watch a movie. We can cuddle…” She said coyly.
I was done for. I was her bitch, and she knew it. We quickly got in the futon and watched one of her anime DVDs. Her body pressed closely against mine. At that moment, I knew I was being used, but I just didn’t care. I would have no idea that the next few days would not only try my patience but my sanity itself…

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