Ever feel like you missed a class on how to have a romantic relationship? Do you feel like you will never be allowed into the prestigious club known as plus one? Have you felt that going on a normal date seems to be a long shot? If so then you will love this blog. Hi I'm Dave and I am a survivor of the New York dating scene. This is the story of a socially inept geeky sweet guy on a quest to find love and a decent set of glasses...whatever comes first.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Chapter 1 Dinner and A Grilled Cheese

“So fucking what? She’s a bitch its her loss move on” Leanne said as she took a bite of her meatball. “You went on one bad date, planned another then she freaked because you didn’t get a clue. Yes it was shitty, but she’s the one that is loosing out”

“Meh…I just didn’t think she would be like that” I replied as I took a bite of my grill cheese…fuck I should have ordered pasta, I thought.

“Why because she liked comics and the same stupid TV  shows you like? Dave you attract crazy like no one else I have ever met. And not just oh she’s eccentric and its cute but that is one crazy bitch kind of crazy”

I sighed the last few months had led to conversations like this. I was in a dating rut. The last few dates had been some of the worst in my life. There was the girl who thought that a ticket machine at the movie theater was the most astonishing thing she had seen in her life. Another woman had replied to me when I called her after waiting for our date for over an hour with “Oh that was today?” Of course, nothing tops the woman who had a complete meltdown at a restaurant when she saw the wall was covered in fake animal heads.

“You always think that the woman go on a date with is the one, news flash Dave…There is no special one! You meet people you are more compatible or less  than, and you work at making a go at it.”

She was right, I knew she was right but deep down was an annoying 10 year old kid with me with pimples saying that I would meet my Lois Lane. I blame Hollywood. Years of chick flicks, comics and cartoons had instilled in me the belief that the woman I dated was destined to be my wife. While most guys picture a girl having sex with on the first date, I always just pictured how romantic our wedding would be or what it would be like to come home to her.

“Ugh, I know” I said as I swallowed a piece of crummy bread covered in cheap butter and cheese

“Do me a favor next time your on a date do the opposite of what you think your going to do”  Leanne said as she finished her last bite of pasta. She had a gob of marinara sauce on her chin at this point I was debating how long I would let it lie there before I told her.

“Yeah, yeah” I grumbled

“You know what next time just call me before you do anything” Leanne said…yep glob of sauce was still there.

This is what my life has become. Sitting in a diner eating crummy food with a friend berating me over a failed attempt at a relationship that I screwed up. I vowed then and there that I would make an honest attempt at getting out of the dating ditch I had dug for myself. I was going to have an incredible romantic movie moment if it killed me.


Jennifer said...

I still believe in the amazing romantic movie moment... :)

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