“I’m in love with Carla Sparrow” I told Paul as I took a bite of my twizzler.
“I’m sorry what?” Paul asked as he put his backpack on my bed.
“I love Carla Sparrow” I said again with confidence.
Paul sighed, and it was not the first time he had heard me claim my love for someone. But this was the first time he had heard me profess my love to Carla Sparrow one of the most popular girls in 10'th grade. But all those other girls were nothing compared to Carla. Carla, a transplant from New York had taken American School like a hurricane. She didn’t care about being cool or being part of some of group. Which made her infinitely more popular and cool. It’s as if the rules of high school did not apply to her. Looking back now, I realize that Carla was just more mature than all of us.